Aldrich Enterprise Co.,Ltd is the member of CS group, through out the years in plastic packaging industry, provide total solution for woven bag industry and rigid packaging industry, the roll in the group as international after sale service center and machine accessory provider, not only spend a lot of time in innovation of machinery and packaging materials, Aldrich Enterprise is working on sustainable solutions and try to make earth a better place for our future generation
Sustainable and Environmentally friendly
Repair and refurbish Repair your machine instead of buying new machines, refurbish your machines and add on new technologies for better efficiency. Reduce Decrease amount of plastics use, by technology and development on machines, decrease power consumption by continuous innovation. Recycle Innovate and assemble equipment to process recycle plastics.
Due to the fact that growing capacity and need of spare parts and after sell service, Aldrich Enterprise came up of an idea to make a small team of people to focus in the area of spare parts for machinery particularly in manufacturing and production industry and at same time doing trading and selling finish products like sheets and rigid packaging. In this website you can find the service of online shopping of the spare parts for each specific machinery and its industry or customize the parts that you cannot find anywhere else.
“As long as you find Aldrich enterprise, you will find your parts”, there are machine parts you cannot be seen in day to day life and you will find it in Aldrich Enterprise.
Aldrich Enterprise Co., Ltd, was founded by the president (Arvin) Shen Ho-Yu in year 2018, after years of working experience and marketing ideas, Arvin found that most of the people sometimes have the difficulty in finding the parts for their machine, especially the parts for the second hand machine or old machines and particular customized machine for some specific industry, sometimes also the language barrier will cause many trouble and communication error and then affect the production or machine performance and increase the company lost and cost due to down time.
Arvin would like to provide the service by the aid of website and online shopping mechanism to extend the idea of “ Now everyone can find their parts”